Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Hazel Colyer

Hazel with the Prior Provincial, Fr Antony Lester, O.Carm
It is with sadness, but trusting in the loving mercy of God, that the National Shrine of Saint Jude announces the death yesterday evening of Mrs Hazel Colyer. Hazel had worked closely with the Carmelite Charitable Trust and the National Shrine of Saint Jude for a number of years, but especially as Chair of the Saint Jude management group and as line manager to the Development Manager. In her professional life, Hazel was a radiographer for more than 40 years and the former dean of health and social care at Canterbury Christ Church University. We all express our condolences to Hazel's husband, Ray, and her family and friends. We thank God for the great work Hazel did for our charity. We ask you to join with us in praying for Hazel, who remains tied to us in Christ by baptism. May Hazel, and all the souls of the faithful departed, rest in peace.

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