Sunday, 28 September 2014

Novena to the Queen of the Most Holy Rosary

The following novena recently published in Carmelite News and from the National Shrine of Saint Jude is for the nine days leading up to the Feast of the Queen of the Most Holy Rosary.

You can pray the novena in private, with your friends or family, or in a group. The novena starts on Monday 28 September and continues until 7 October 2014.

Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory be...

O God, whose only begotten Son,
by his death and resurrection,
has gained for us the rewards of eternal life,
grant we beseech you
that we who meditate on the mysteries
of the Most Holy Rosary
of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
may imitate what they contain,
and obtain what they promise.
Through Christ our Lord.

Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, pray for us.
That we may be worthy
of the promises of Christ.

Our Lady statue outside the Shrine of Saint Jude
You can also view this novena, here.

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