Saturday, 28 June 2014

Thoughts from our Chaplain - Making doubly sure!

This weekend we are celebrating the Solemnity of Sts Peter and Paul. 

It always reminds me of my confirmation. One day our primary school teacher told us, “When you get home today ask your parents what saint’s name you are going to take for your confirmation”. I asked my mum and without more ado she said “Saint Paul”. Next morning the teacher asked us what our choices were. When she came to me she asked “And Piet what is yours?” and I replied with great pride “Paul”. She hesitated for a moment, but then she said “I see. You are making doubly sure”

I feel really happy about having been named after these two great saints. However, it always struck me that on this feast day Peter seems to receive much more attention than Paul. Our First Reading is all about Peter’s arrest and his miraculous escape from prison, whilst in the Gospel Reading he speaks up for the others and for each one of us (!) by saying to Jesus, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” In the Second Reading Paul tells Timothy that his life is being poured away like a libation and that he has fought the good fight. 

Within the year we celebrate their own feast: the Chair of Peter and the Conversion of St Paul. This weekend we remember their heroic martyrdom. It that way they made doubly sure of gaining eternal life. Let us be inspired by their self-giving.  

Fr Piet Wijngaard, O.Carm.

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